Consultation: $280
30 minute video or phone Visit + Action Plan
Service Description
This is a way to try out Dr. Ireland's approach starting with a 30-minute phone or video call. You can send Dr. Ireland recent labs for review ahead of your session, and after discussion with Dr. Ireland you will receive a written Action Plan containing recommendations for "next steps". Recommendations may include further testing, imaging, supplements, lifestyle modifications, or referrals. We want these recommendations to work for you, so we include up to two follow-up emails, within 6 weeks of your visit, to answer your questions or to clarify the issues discussed. You may want to consider instead the "2-visit Functional Medicine Starter Package", "6-month Menopause Starter Package" which include follow-up, or the "Osteopathic Treatment Package". Each of these packages moves you right into an in-depth evaluation of your medical issues with follow-up visits and phone or email contact as well to get any questions or concerns addressed as they may arise. Any of these options to start working with Dr. Ireland begin an email from Dr. Ireland through which you sign-up in the electronic medical record system, "Practice Better". Then you and Dr. Ireland can continue the conversation with your privacy protected by an encrypted/confidential email system. You will receive several forms to sign online through Practice Better or paper mail (your choice), including a government-required HIPPA form and "contract for care" form to establish care with Dr. Ireland, and a Review-of-Systems-Questionnaire. You will be asked to confirm that you have a primary care doctor and to establish your method of payment for Dr. Ireland's services.
Contact Details
The G Spa San Francisco, 490 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA